Transfer between BSC abd ETH accounts within metamask

i was trying to answer but i was limited for posting. i was edit some old messages and hope that you will see. im sorry it was not my fault. in the future if im not answer please check the last message.
and to answer :yes = you mean, you sent your eth token in your bnb wallet directly to the address of your eth wallet

I know .

No need for the future, with your affirmative answer, I can tell you why.

Your eth is still on the bsc chain, but on the bsc chain under your eth wallet address.
Maybe the above is a bit abstract. If your eth wallet is mm wallet, after adding the bsc chain, you can check your eth balance. If it is another wallet, also add the bsc chain and view it on the bsc chain.
If the eth wallet you use does not support adding a bsc chain, then install a new MM with a new browser, and then import the seed used by your eth wallet, and you will find that your eth is on the bsc chain controlled by that seed.

If you want to send assets on the bep20 chain to the erc20 chain, you need to use a cross-connection bridge. Sending directly through the address will not change the chain the asset is on.

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hi, so i enter the account and press imort token and i found the eth tokens and now i will sent between my account…they say that i dont have enough funds for transfer…i will add funds and try again. hope it will work. thank you and sorry again. i ll get back with the result.

you need bnb to pay the gas fee

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great , so better to put bnb not eth for the gas. thanks

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well the eth its still in the bsc account2 and when i transfer it goes in account1 in bsc mainnet…but i want to transfer to ethereum mainnet account2…and i see is the same address as bsc account2…
ive send it back to binance and than transfer direct to eth mainnet account 2. thank you for involvement.

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