Why has my account been disabled

I’m curious to why my account would be disabled when I ask support they won’t give me an answer but kniw I need to pay gas to transfer everything because they disabled my account for what seems no reason and they just say it on our end


Can you please let us know which account you are talking about?




Hello @Jdegregz, welcome to MetaMask community!

It’s a good thing you came to the community asking this. Your MetaMask wallet is self-custodial, meaning ConsenSys can’t disable it in any way. You are completely responsible for your wallet.

The “support” you are reffering to is most likely a scammer attempt at getting your Secret Recovery Phrase. Remember to NEVER share it with anyone. Delete or ignore the message you received regarding your account being disabled. There is no such thing.


Thank you @Chinzilla for the reply. I thought that Jdegregz is possibly talking about a website or a centralized platform account …
@Jdegregz As explained above, MetaMask can NEVER disable your account.
NEVER share the Private Key and Secret Recovery Phrase with anyone.
Please let us know in case you need more help.


That’s what I thought but when I try to put money on my account it saying it’s disabled. I thought it was a good thing it’s non custodial. When I sent message to the email it told me to ask the issue they told me they can’t tell me why it’s suspended just it’s permanently suspended. My issue is trying to get my nfts out of it because I only have 19.00$ in Eth so not sure if it will be enough to pay for the gas


Seems like there is a misunderstanding. Can you please explain more about the issue so that we can help you better? For example, from which platform you were transferring funds to your account? Is it a centralized exchange account? Possibly this account is disabled if it is a centralized platform.
Who has communicated with you in this regard?

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A screenshot would be helpful too, to understand what it is, in addition to what Maryam1 asked above.


When I try to add money to the account (eth) it gives me that message but it looks like it’s transak for some reason. I have to see if I can open another account with same email (MetaMask account)then I’m going to see what happens when I transfer my nfts to the new account. I’m worried there won’t be enough funds to cover the gas. I’ll let you know when I try to transfer later on today

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That’s an issue on Transak side of things as MetaMask is only a facilitator to access the on-ramps through it’s Buy Crypto feature, directly from within MetaMask.

Your MetaMask is not disabled, your Transak on-ramp crypto buying is where the problem lies.
Please check these articles to get an idea of how you need to proceed.


If there is a Problem with Transak, still you can send funds from another exchange to your wallet. Altogether, there is no problem with your MetaMask account.


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