iPhone app not logging in (FaceID or password)

Hi Dan ,

I have a same issue , I have introduce my secret phrase ,but unfortunately my coins has lost and my wallet address has changed . Please help us to solve this problem .

thank you in advance !



Can’t sign in on Metamask App on iOS with Face ID or Password.

Used the Recovery Phrase on Chrome Extension but can only see 1 Account (1 of 2)
The majority of my funds were in the 2 Account that’s missing!

I can see through Etherscan / BSCscan that my funds are there but I can’t get access to that account!

Obviously is affecting us all, so what is Metamask doing to solve this?

Same here been waiting days , I was locked out used seed phrase , it restored my meta mask extension wallet from my pc , none of my iOS phone wallet funds were in , I’ve lost a considerable amount of assets I’m hoping meta mask can sort this out and get back to us ASAP , it’s quite sickening not seen your balance in there after I was told to reset my wallet from meta mask with the seed phrase .

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It’s possible that you may need to add some of those tokens manually back into the wallet. I’m very sorry for that inconvenience, but the good news is the tokens should still “exist” on the blockchain, so you just need to make sure the wallet is aware of them. We will eventually add some backup options to help restore this kind of information in the future. https://metamask.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015489031-How-to-add-unlisted-tokens-custom-tokens-in-MetaMask

Are you connected to the right network? Can you see those assets on a block explorer? If yes to both, you probably just need to let the wallet know about where to look for those assets on the blockchain:

You probably need to click “add account” a few more times to make the additional accounts appear.

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I’m on the right network , my meta mask browser extension balance is showing on my iOS phone once I reset , they were two completely different amounts , so why wouldn’t it show my iOS meta mask balance once I reset it ?

I’ll try on my pc browser extension the link you have shown me

Thanks for your response

Update on my post above:

As I wrote above: I was able to “restore” my MetaMask wallet via the Chrome browser on a computer that had never had a MetaMask wallet on it, via the MetaMask website/metamask extension for CHROME. Once the wallet was installed with the original password, I updated/changed the password within that wallet on the browser extension.
Once update, the MetaMask iOS app would NOT take the updated password. I was cautious about simply ‘deleting’ my wallet via the app, and adding it back in via the secret passphrase, just in case everything disappeared.

UPDATE on iOS wallet:
I chose to transfer all my assets out of my MetaMask that I had installed via CHROME extension to 1-Inch defi app for safety, but leave a very small amount of ETH in my CHROME extension wallet, before deleting the wallet on the iOS app, and attempting to reinstall the wallet via the passphrase.

As I said, I left a very small amount of ETH in the wallet, to use as a check when I ‘reinstalled’ the iOS wallet.

I then went ahead and reset the wallet via the app button, entered my passphrase, and can confirm that the wallet reinstalled, and the little bit of ETH I had left as a check was still there.

**I also had 2 wallets. My 2nd wallet (named “Account 2” in my case) DID show up in the reinstalled wallet/app. I had to tap on the circle/icon above my default account (named “Account 1” in my case) in order to find the drop-down list of accounts, to select the other account.

I am hopeful this information may help other users.

Tried to manually add them back but doesnt seem to work. Im assuming we need private keys for that? Do not have those. Only have seed phrase which I assumed would give me access upon restoring wallet. However, again its not showing the same account #. Tried adding from etherscan but still shows 0value in metamask.

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Thanks! That solved it

Não fui informado sobre essa situação Dan.
Porem faço as minhas transações quase sempre pelo celular.
Só que no dia 15/08/2021 meu último acesso quando fui abrir minha carteira pediu senha e como sempre entro com a minha digital nem assim consegui.
Tinha na minha carteira 1822 pxps e agora zero.
Tenho minha frase de segurança e sempre que entro fazendo esses procedimentos que vc mencionou aqui acontece a mesma coisa: saldo zero…
Hoje completa 5 dias que enviei um tiket para metamask com o print do saldo e até agora ninguém me respondeu.
Espero que resolvam ísso o mais rapido possivel pq estou tendo um certo prejuizo em conta disso.

isso para mim na minha opinião caracterizo como golpe internacional.
Pq eles falam e falam e falam, mas no final de tudo sempre a mesma coisa.
Já ta na hora de começarmos uma mobilização para chamar a atenção da autoridades.
Pq muita gente estar ficando no prejuizo por causa dos erros deles.
Eu mesmo estou agora sem uma resposta.
Como que some do nada os fundos.
Daí agente restaura com a frase faz todos os procedimentos e nada. Simplesmente continua do mesmo jeito. Quero uma resposta de onde foi parar meus saldos. Eu não quero saber dos problemas tecnicos de vcs, só quero meu saldo na minha conta pra mim poder tirar de la…
Preciso de uma resposta da equipe.
Tenho print e frase de segurança e ja fiz todos esses procedimentos que pediram, mas não teve exito.
por favor se vcs não me ajudarem eu irei começar a chamar a atenção de alguns youtubes para dificultar o seus serviços.
Vcs estão lesando muitas pessoas dando desculpas que não irão resolver nada.
Não adianta ficar colocando ladainha de como temos que fazer pq não ta dando certo.
Então começem a corrigir os erros de vcs trazendo de volta os nossos saldos.

Repõe os Tokens manualmente.
Se os fundos não aparecerem podes estar na Network errada.
Se a conta não for a mesma cria novas até aparecer.

No meu caso resolveu.

Primeiramente quem é vc e todos esses procedimentos ja foram feitos e não resolveu.
Até então estava constando quase um mes os meus saldos.

Hi Dan,

I have been logged out with the recent update v 3.1.0. Used to use face ID to log in, when I attempted to restore the wallet from seed phrase I have gotten a new wallet address with 0 funds and 0 transaction history. The original address with correct funds is still on etherscan. How did the original seed phrase restore a blank account?

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Has any one successfully restored there wallet balances ? I still can’t work it out ?

I’m in the same boat by the sounds of it ? , I’m still yet to see a solution.

Thanks. I am also unable to login to my metamask app on my iPhone 11. Only able to get in on the Chrome extension. When will this be fixed?

So resetting via the app does not erase your account? It says it will ERASE my current wallet. This did not happen for you?

We all know how crypto wallets work, unfortunately most iPhone users rely heavily on touch/face Id for wallets with small amounts. We rely on iOs because it’s reliable, having said that, it’s unacceptable to lock out users without a proper way to recover the seed phrase. We would appreciate it very much if you could find a solution to this problem, via another update in the future. I assume the seed phrase (or private key) is still stored in my phone, you just need to give me a way to access it.
Thank you.

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