Mom of Twins lost metamask account pdf helper please

metamask github decryptor site <---- i posted the date without any / keystrokes and pressed decrypt am I doing something wrong? I would like to learn how to use it.

@ROGERTHAT see video by MetaMask - Randy

You must use the correct password :slightly_smiling_face:

I feel bad if I wasted your time, but I still learned many things on this thread. I FOUND MY SEED PHRASE that I took in my phone way back. By the grace of God, I have my coins showing on my chorme desktop mac. I can add the custom tokens later. What is the simplest way to add this account to my iphone with what is the original seed phrase? I don’t want to cross contaminate the accounts or have me adding the second one affect the first? I beleive it is simple, but I don’t want to complicate matters, and I am very apprecaitive of your time. I don’t know where that second seed phrase came from unless it was a blank account added on to the first one I suppose. I couldn’t delete them. that would be a nice feature. God bless you momoftwins and thank you luigi. I have my original coins. I hope you guys get rich. this was very stressful for me and a lot of people in that situation. I believe I clicked on a firefox update in the metamask browser when the glitch or hacker attempt occured. thank you!


Wow! That is wonderful news, Roger! On the Christmas Eve ! :slightly_smiling_face: I am so happy to hear that! :smiley:

Well, on your iPhone you can just import that original seed phrase. I do not see why it would not be possible. :slightly_smiling_face:

Merry Christmas! :christmas_tree:


thank you and I prayed for your father. When I try to import the account on my phone it says add the rpive key string or scan a qr code. I have my second account on the iphone and my reclaied account on the desktop chrome. Do I gave to get the private key from the desktop chrome … I don’t have to add the seed phrase I just found on the first account? I can just switch back and forth on the accounts on my phone no problem?

@ROGERTHAT It was a Christmas miracle :grinning: I’m glad that you’ve solved your problem.

You can import an account :point_down:

But mainly :point_right: keep all your data (seed phrases and private keys) in a safe place.


Hi Roger! Thank you for your prayers, I really appreciate it. :pray:

As Luigi answered already, it is possible to import your private key to another wallet/seed phrase on your iPhone. Also, it is possible to install a wallet of another provider, like Trust Wallet, and use the seed phrase without a need to import private key. The mnemonic doesn’t belong to a wallet provider, but to blockchain, so it’s possible. For some reason, personally, I’m not feeling comfortable using private keys. But it is, probably, only my personal feeling.

Also, I wanted to suggest to you to never store your seed phrases and private keys on the devices that are connected to the Internet. It’s not safe. It’s good to note them on a paper and have 3 copies placed on different parts of your home.
If you prefer the digital version, the external device, like USB key or external hard drive are good, too.

To me, this thread was not a waste of time!! The goal was to help you :slightly_smiling_face: You have the access to your funds, that is really great!! Also, we will never know, but maybe your case was similar to the one described github . com/MetaMask/metamask-extension/issues/3127#issuecomment-370819730

Anyway, I’m really glad for you! :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:

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Will this start always with wwp?
i dont have vault or data but i have iv and salt at the end just like in the picture how do i know how much line is suppose to be there?

Hi @Frankgore sometimes it can look like this :point_down: try to find the word Keyr

MetaMask Vault Data

You must start copying from { up until :point_right: }

The result must look like this :point_down:


I will try this today but im still a bit confused i have saved all the files i could possibly get from the drive. Thing is once i did get windows on the pc i imported the seed phrase to my old account and so i think it overwrote the old one im guessing theres no way to get it back. Sadly losing 10s of thousands of dollars

I had a similar situation several months ago frank and I eventually found the right seed phrase in the pics in my camera from a forgotten screenshot. I said a prayer for you because this is all real and I actually care. I know the stress. People here were very nice to me. I hope Mom of Twins buys lots of little baby cryptos. :slight_smile:


@Frankgore I try to solve these problems… advise people how to find these files :slightly_smiling_face:
but as you write :neutral_face: sometimes the data disappears…
People then try data recovery companies :man_mechanic: but even they can’t recover everything.

I will keep my fingers crossed for you :crossed_fingers:


Thank you guys. But I’ve done everything at this point. I went through every text file. All my photos in my phone. All my documents on my phone. I’ve tried restoring windows but it won’t let me restore that far. I got ahold of a data company but they also don’t think it’s possible when I told them what I have done. It’s just a sad day for me and my family because we live off our crypto.

Hi @Frankgore

Do not lose the hope, maybe there are some files with vault data you need on your hard drive. :four_leaf_clover:

As you can see on the screenshot, the list of recovered files with Recuva all of them contain the vault data, but there are only 2 classic .ldb files.

(click on the image to zoom)

:boom:But for now stop downloading/installing anything on your hard drive! :boom:

You will need to set an external hard drive as the default save location:

https ://

I’m writing an explanation what to do next.

In the meantime, download AstroGrep and Recuva (on your external drive!)


Awesome thats what im working on now!

By the way do you by chance have discord it would make it easier to talk and communicate

@Frankgore here is a search option on GIF that allow to obtain much more results:
Recuva salt2

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@Frankgore what you see on GIF file, all these files (98!!), I recovered just now with Scan :arrow_right: Scan content with \"salt in all *.* files.

But if you make just all files recovery, and then search for the \"salt among them, there are (in my case) only 5 files with vault data, like in this image:

Awesome i will do this as soon as my recuva has a full deep scan done its gonna take a couple hours or so but thank you so much sadly i dont have telegram